Free ‘Power Pack’ Download – Questionnaire

I’m putting together a series of photography and post processing video tutorials just for you. That means that I really need your honest opinion so that that I can decide on which topics to cover in my videos.
In return for you completing this short questionnaire, I’ve put together a free download of Fototripper goodies that I think you might find really useful.
Here’s what you get in your 624 Mb download right after completing and submitting the form below:
- Milky Way Presets for Lightroom
5 presets from my ‘Natural’ collection - HD Video Tutorial – Saving for Print and Web for Lightroom
- HD Video Tutorial – Saving for Print and Web for Photoshop
- Waterfall Actions for Photoshop
Thanks for taking the time to help me out.
Gavin Hardcastle – Fototripper[wwm_survey id=”6341″]
I’m very much interessted in the TENACITY Photoshop Video Tutorial, but I only work with LR 6, not Photoshop CS 6 at all and don’t want do.
Would the Tenacity Tutorial still work for me.
Best Regards Kurt
Hi Kurt,
While some of the most important aspects of the process were done in ACR (same tools as Lightroom) there are a few things I did in Photoshop which really enhance the image. You’ll still learn something even if you use LR exclusively but if you watch this video it might change your mind and make you want to work with PS as it offer so much more control.
Hi, Gavin… First, Thanks for all you do – I have learned a lot from you…
I have grown tired of all the Milky Way Skies, the selfie with the headlamp shining into the sky, the illuminated tent in the background, etc… it feels overdone to me at this point…
I struggle with expressing my personal vision… Attracted to moving water, the rivers and streams and waterfalls… even water drops. There is something about capturing a long duration of time, rather than a frozen instant that seems to engage me. I seem to be most satisfied with my images when I seek these tlong exposures out.
I like the idea of blending in the starry sky, but more of when the stars first begin to come out, and there is still some light in the sky, than when the Milky Way dominates..
I am in Seattle, and plan to retire next year… Vancouver Island is on my bucket list, so perhaps we’ll work out a workshop at some point… I have provided a link to some of my Black and White work in the Website section of the reply.
Thanks again!
Gary L.